Dish Network Reviews

When searching the internet, you will find comparisons and dish network reviews. And like any other satellite network providers, there will be bad and good reviews. To be fair, we will repost one of the fair reviews made by on the good and bad side of Dish network.


Big discount for bundle package

There are more options when you get the bundle (Internet with Dish Network TV). You can save up to $10 per month and you choose from any Internet packages. A phone service is also added. Installation fee is waived.

Fast upload rate

Fast and more reliable. The DISH Network offers the fastest upload speed at 10 Mbps. This is much appreciated by people who love to upload pictures and videos on the internet.

24/7 customer support

DISH Network has a variety of support for all of your queries and complaints. Services are available 24/7. It is very visible in all social media platforms for the customers to contact alongside email support.


Slow download speed.

Just 5 Mbps download speed and the expensive plan only offers 10mbps as compared to other providers that provide 12 to 15 Mbps. And if you frequently download documents and other stuff from the internet, then it may get frustrating.

Limited data

There is only a 15 GB of data that a user can use at any time. And if you use it up before the month ends, the subscriber have to pay extra or buy more data space. This is not a problem for those who seldom use the internet but for the tech-savvy, then you really have to think about it.

Can’t order online:

You can’u place your order online but instead, you will call a customer support representative to assist you in ordering. For those who like online shopping or using their credit card, this may be a little annoying. But then, just think of it that you are connecting to another individual to ensure your DISH Network order.


Just think that Dish Network serves nationwide and available in 50 states of America. The Dish Network Reviews are there but nothing still to compare with your own experience. Dish Network offers welcome package and there is no installation fee. So try and see it for yourself.

For more information about the Dish network bundles and packages, call their toll free number at 1-855-745-1331.